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There's No Better Time To Look Into Solar Than Now With Revive Solar

We Have Access To Every Product & Lender

Now Is The Perfect Time To Go Solar!

Solar panel technology has now hit the point where the technology is efficient enough and pricing is still low while incentives last. As incentives go away while solar technology improves, we will start to see an increase in prices.

How Our Team Saves You Money

We Have Access To Every Lender and Product So You Don’t Have To Waste Time Shopping Around

#1 Consulting

First, we will take a look at your exact energy needs, and then give you an estimation of exactly how much you are going to save. It’s simple, easy, and most of all: free.

#2 Design

We will stop by for a secondary visit to check out your roof so that we can gather information for our design team.

#3 Permits

 We have staff specificially tailored for handling all of the permits that your local city may require. All you do from this point is sit back, relax, and wait for installation day.

#4 Installation

You can expect to have your solar panels installed somewhere between 4 and 8 hours depending on how many watt system you are installing

#5 Activation

This last step is called Permission to Operate, aka PTO. We just need final confirmation from the local utility and municipality in order to grant us a solid connection to the grid

Contact Us Today

Our team of solar experts is ready to help you start saving money with solar.  We are obsessed with solar and spend all day and night thinking about it.  Contact us today to setup your appointment. 

🏢 Our Address:
Revive Solar
1927 E Emerald Ave
Mesa, AZ 85204

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